Top 10k strings from Foxes and Rabbits (1982)(Sinclair Research).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 f=f+f*d1*(1 1 t , the rabbit 1 set up screen 1 set up example 1 set up display 1 scale time for plotting 1 rescale rabbit axes 1 rescale fox axes 1 r=r+tau*r*(1 1 r=(ar - brf) 1 m$(q)*0.76 1 f=(cf - df/r) 1 draw clock 1 d$="Too many foxes-foxes starve 1 d$="There are now lots of foxes 1 d$="The cycle repeats every 6 years": 1 d$="Rabbit population decreases 1 d$="RABBITS": 1 d$="Press any key": 1 d$="PSION 1 d$="Many rabbits-food for foxes ": 1 d$="Foxes are now short of food 1 d$="Fox population grows 1 d$="Few foxes-rabbit colony grows": 1 d$="FOXES": 1 U Foxes and rabbits is a classic example of equations of this kind applied to an ecological problem. 1 ;"rabbits" 1 ;"and the initial number of foxes is": 1 ;"a,b,c,d are constants" 1 ;"THE TAPE 1 ;"Rabbits increase by birth 1 ;"Rabbits are killed by foxes 1 ;"RABBITS": 1 ;"Press any key for the Spectrum to solve this problem in time": 1 ;"Over time 1 ;"O.K. START THE TAPE 1 ;"Foxes increase by birth 1 ;"Foxes die from starvation 1 ;"Enter your own initial 1 ;"DO YOU WANT TO TRY AGAIN (Y/N)?": 1 ;"AN EXAMPLE OF THE SOLUTION OF 1 ;"= 2400": 1 ;") and foxes (number ": 1 ;"(Press y to continue 1 $ Mathematical equations of considerable subtlety can be solved on the Spectrum. An example of this is differential equations which describe the evolution of a system in time. Examples include problems in physics,chemistry,electronics, meteorology,etc. 1 "evolution" 1 "Enter starting number of rabbits (r between 4000 and 7000) "; 1 "Enter starting number of foxes (f between 100 and 400) "; 1 " The solution depends on the initial conditions . In the 1 " Imagine a land area populated by two species say rabbits (number " 1 the problem" 1 population increases by 1 or n to stop )" 1 example that follows the initialnumber of rabbits is" 1 conditions to study 1 and foxes by 1 Press any key": 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE": 1 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS":